I have tried all I could nothing worked, please help

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I have tried all I could nothing worked, please help

Post by Hariph »

Please how do I call out a user, like for example code to display the name of a user on thier profile page
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Re: I have tried all I could nothing worked, please help

Post by francisco »

Have you tried using the User Lister function?

Let's say you have a /users page and in your /index you have a link like /users?id=12345, add a User Lister function to the /users page as follows:

-Enter Code-

Code: Select all

<p>Role: %role%</p>
<p>Registered: %regdate%</p>
<!-- Use whatever tags you want -->
-Enter Config-

Code: Select all

{{GET(id)}} will get the id from the url /users?id=12345, returning 12345 in this example.
Last edited by francisco on Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I have tried all I could nothing worked, please help

Post by obaydulbc »

First of all you need to put a link for go to user profile.

Example in tag code >> <a href="/profile?id={{VAR(USER_ID)}}"> Profile</a>


In user lister

<a href="/profile?id=%id%"> obaydulbc</a>

After complete to make profile url . than work on profile page.

User lister

First box use all tag for show user name phone etc.

Just put config

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