[Updated] Simple register page code using Lua scripting

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[Updated] Simple register page code using Lua scripting

Post by francisco »

Hello! Here is a simple code for a register page using Lua scripting. You are free to style the HTML codes however you want.
The code can be a little challenging to understand at first, but feel free to ask if you don't understand any part.
Also see: Simple login page code using Lua scripting

How to use it:
  1. Log in to the Wapka Dashboard (https://web.wapka.org/dashboard);
  2. Select your website from the "Your services" list;
  3. Now create a new page called "register" (Basic Function > New Page) - you can skip this step if you already have a register page and want to use it.
  4. Now open the register page we created and go to Advanced function > Script, and finally paste the following Lua code into the textarea:

Code: Select all

-- Checks if a continue URL has been defined. If not, it is defined as the Home page
continue = req.get.continue or "/"

-- Check if the user is already logged in. If yes, redirect to continue URL
if (env.userid ~= 0) then 

-- Checks if the register form has been submitted
if (req.method == "POST" and req.post.process_register) then

    error_message = nil -- Starts error message as null

    email    = req.post.email    -- Gets the email from the POST request
    username = req.post.username -- Gets the username from the POST request
    password = req.post.password -- Gets the password from the POST request
    fullname = req.post.fullname -- Gets the full name as extra data to define a profile variable

    -- Checking whether the fields have been filled in
    if (email    == "" and
        username == "" and
        password == "" and
        fullname == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter all the fields."

    elseif (email    == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your email."

    elseif (username == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your username."

    elseif (username == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your password."

    elseif (fullname == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your full name."

    -- Continuing if all fields have been filled in
        -- Sets the parameters for the API register method
        local param = {
            email    = email,
            username = username,
            password = password,
            var      = {
                fullname = fullname -- Sets the full name as a custom variable!
        local is_ok, register, info, error_register = api.user_create(param)

        -- Checks whether the registration was successful
        if (is_ok) then

        else -- An error occurred while trying to register
            error_message = error_register -- Defines the error message as the one received in the register method

    -- Checks if any errors occurred and sets an error message div to display on the page
    if (error_message) then
        html_error = [=[<div class="error-message">%s</div>]=]
        error_message = string.format(html_error, error_message)

local html_code = [=[
<h2>Register an account</h2>
%s <!-- This is where the error message will be -->

<form method="post">

<div class="input">
<label for="email">Email:</label><br>
<input type="email" name="email" value="%s" placeholder="Email" id="email">

<div class="input">
<label for="username">Username:</label><br>
<input type="text" name="username" value="%s" placeholder="Username" id="username">

<div class="input">
<label for="password">Password:</label><br>
<input type="password" name="password" value="%s" placeholder="Password" id="password">

<div class="input">
<label for="fullname">Fullname:</label><br>
<input type="text" name="fullname" value="%s" placeholder="Full name" id="fullname">

<div class="input-button">
<input type="submit" name="process_register" value="Register" class="input-button">


<div class="register-message">
Already have an account? <a href="/login">Login</a>

print(string.format(html_code, error_message or "", email or "", username or "", password or "", fullname or ""))
Last edited by francisco on Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Simple register page code using Lua scripting

Post by vikkas »

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Re: [Updated] Simple register page code using Lua scripting

Post by francisco »

VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE: The correct syntax for defining a variable in parameters is as follows:

Code: Select all

local param = {
    email    = email,
    username = username,
    password = password,
    var      = {
        fullname = fullname -- Sets the full name as a custom variable!
The code has been updated to make this correction.
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Re: [Updated] Simple register page code using Lua scripting

Post by Webdev30 »

Sir, why is there no error message whenever errors occur? Please help 🙏.

Code: Select all

-- Checks if a continue URL has been defined. If not, it is defined as the Home page
continue = req.get.continue or "/"

-- Check if the user is already logged in. If yes, redirect to continue URL
if (env.userid ~= 0) then 

-- Checks if the register form has been submitted
if (req.method == "POST" and req.post.process_register) then

    error_message = nil -- Starts error message as null

    email    = req.post.email    -- Gets the email from the POST request
    username = req.post.username -- Gets the username from the POST request
    password = req.post.password -- Gets the password from the POST request
    fullname = req.post.fullname -- Gets the full name as extra data to define a profile variable

    -- Checking whether the fields have been filled in
    if (email    == "" and
        username == "" and
        password == "" and
        fullname == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter all the fields."

    elseif (email    == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your email."

    elseif (username == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your username."

    elseif (username == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your password."

    elseif (fullname == "") then
        error_message = "You must enter your full name."

    -- Continuing if all fields have been filled in
        -- Sets the parameters for the API register method
        local param = {
            email    = email,
            username = username,
            password = password,
            var      = {
                fullname = fullname -- Sets the full name as a custom variable!
        local is_ok, register, info, error_register = api.user_create(param)

        -- Checks whether the registration was successful
        if (is_ok) then

        else -- An error occurred while trying to register
            error_message = error_register -- Defines the error message as the one received in the register method

    -- Checks if any errors occurred and sets an error message div to display on the page
    if (error_message) then
        html_error = [=[<span class="text-red-500">%s</span>]=]
        error_message = string.format(html_error, error_message)

local html_code = [=[
 <!-- This is where the error message will be -->

<form class="form_container">
 <center> <div class="logo_container flex items-center justfy-center"></div> </center>
  <div class="title_container">
    <p class="title"> Create an Account </p>
    <span class="subtitle"> Enjoy precious moments with your buddies. Create an account to enjoy the experience. </span>
  <span class="text-red-500"> %s </span>
  <div class="input_container">
    <label class="input_label" for="email_field"> Username </label>
    <svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon">
      <path stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#141B34" d="M7 8.5L9.94202 10.2394C11.6572 11.2535 12.3428 11.2535 14.058 10.2394L17 8.5"></path>
      <path stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#141B34" d="M2.01577 13.4756C2.08114 16.5412 2.11383 18.0739 3.24496 19.2094C4.37608 20.3448 5.95033 20.3843 9.09883 20.4634C11.0393 20.5122 12.9607 20.5122 14.9012 20.4634C18.0497 20.3843 19.6239 20.3448 20.7551 19.2094C21.8862 18.0739 21.9189 16.5412 21.9842 13.4756C22.0053 12.4899 22.0053 11.5101 21.9842 10.5244C21.9189 7.45886 21.8862 5.92609 20.7551 4.79066C19.6239 3.65523 18.0497 3.61568 14.9012 3.53657C12.9607 3.48781 11.0393 3.48781 9.09882 3.53656C5.95033 3.61566 4.37608 3.65521 3.24495 4.79065C2.11382 5.92608 2.08114 7.45885 2.01576 10.5244C1.99474 11.5101 1.99475 12.4899 2.01577 13.4756Z"></path>
    <input placeholder="Your unique name" name="username" type="text" class="input_field"value="%s" id="email_field">
  <div class="input_container">
    <label class="input_label" for="password_field">Password</label>
    <svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon">
      <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#141B34" d="M18 11.0041C17.4166 9.91704 16.273 9.15775 14.9519 9.0993C13.477 9.03404 11.9788 9 10.329 9C8.67911 9 7.18091 9.03404 5.70604 9.0993C3.95328 9.17685 2.51295 10.4881 2.27882 12.1618C2.12602 13.2541 2 14.3734 2 15.5134C2 16.6534 2.12602 17.7727 2.27882 18.865C2.51295 20.5387 3.95328 21.8499 5.70604 21.9275C6.42013 21.9591 7.26041 21.9834 8 22"></path>
      <path stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#141B34" d="M6 9V6.5C6 4.01472 8.01472 2 10.5 2C12.9853 2 15 4.01472 15 6.5V9"></path>
      <path fill="#141B34" d="M21.2046 15.1045L20.6242 15.6956V15.6956L21.2046 15.1045ZM21.4196 16.4767C21.7461 16.7972 22.2706 16.7924 22.5911 16.466C22.9116 16.1395 22.9068 15.615 22.5804 15.2945L21.4196 16.4767ZM18.0228 15.1045L17.4424 14.5134V14.5134L18.0228 15.1045ZM18.2379 18.0387C18.5643 18.3593 19.0888 18.3545 19.4094 18.028C19.7299 17.7016 19.7251 17.1771 19.3987 16.8565L18.2379 18.0387ZM14.2603 20.7619C13.7039 21.3082 12.7957 21.3082 12.2394 20.7619L11.0786 21.9441C12.2794 23.1232 14.2202 23.1232 15.4211 21.9441L14.2603 20.7619ZM12.2394 20.7619C11.6914 20.2239 11.6914 19.358 12.2394 18.82L11.0786 17.6378C9.86927 18.8252 9.86927 20.7567 11.0786 21.9441L12.2394 20.7619ZM12.2394 18.82C12.7957 18.2737 13.7039 18.2737 14.2603 18.82L15.4211 17.6378C14.2202 16.4587 12.2794 16.4587 11.0786 17.6378L12.2394 18.82ZM14.2603 18.82C14.8082 19.358 14.8082 20.2239 14.2603 20.7619L15.4211 21.9441C16.6304 20.7567 16.6304 18.8252 15.4211 17.6378L14.2603 18.82ZM20.6242 15.6956L21.4196 16.4767L22.5804 15.2945L21.785 14.5134L20.6242 15.6956ZM15.4211 18.82L17.8078 16.4767L16.647 15.2944L14.2603 17.6377L15.4211 18.82ZM17.8078 16.4767L18.6032 15.6956L17.4424 14.5134L16.647 15.2945L17.8078 16.4767ZM16.647 16.4767L18.2379 18.0387L19.3987 16.8565L17.8078 15.2945L16.647 16.4767ZM21.785 14.5134C21.4266 14.1616 21.0998 13.8383 20.7993 13.6131C20.4791 13.3732 20.096 13.1716 19.6137 13.1716V14.8284C19.6145 14.8284 19.619 14.8273 19.6395 14.8357C19.6663 14.8466 19.7183 14.8735 19.806 14.9391C19.9969 15.0822 20.2326 15.3112 20.6242 15.6956L21.785 14.5134ZM18.6032 15.6956C18.9948 15.3112 19.2305 15.0822 19.4215 14.9391C19.5091 14.8735 19.5611 14.8466 19.5879 14.8357C19.6084 14.8273 19.6129 14.8284 19.6137 14.8284V13.1716C19.1314 13.1716 18.7483 13.3732 18.4281 13.6131C18.1276 13.8383 17.8008 14.1616 17.4424 14.5134L18.6032 15.6956Z"></path>
    <input placeholder="Password" name="password" type="password" class="input_field"value="%s" id="password_field">
  <div class="input_container">
    <label class="input_label" for="password_field">Re-enter password</label>
    <svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon">
      <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#141B34" d="M18 11.0041C17.4166 9.91704 16.273 9.15775 14.9519 9.0993C13.477 9.03404 11.9788 9 10.329 9C8.67911 9 7.18091 9.03404 5.70604 9.0993C3.95328 9.17685 2.51295 10.4881 2.27882 12.1618C2.12602 13.2541 2 14.3734 2 15.5134C2 16.6534 2.12602 17.7727 2.27882 18.865C2.51295 20.5387 3.95328 21.8499 5.70604 21.9275C6.42013 21.9591 7.26041 21.9834 8 22"></path>
      <path stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#141B34" d="M6 9V6.5C6 4.01472 8.01472 2 10.5 2C12.9853 2 15 4.01472 15 6.5V9"></path>
      <path fill="#141B34" d="M21.2046 15.1045L20.6242 15.6956V15.6956L21.2046 15.1045ZM21.4196 16.4767C21.7461 16.7972 22.2706 16.7924 22.5911 16.466C22.9116 16.1395 22.9068 15.615 22.5804 15.2945L21.4196 16.4767ZM18.0228 15.1045L17.4424 14.5134V14.5134L18.0228 15.1045ZM18.2379 18.0387C18.5643 18.3593 19.0888 18.3545 19.4094 18.028C19.7299 17.7016 19.7251 17.1771 19.3987 16.8565L18.2379 18.0387ZM14.2603 20.7619C13.7039 21.3082 12.7957 21.3082 12.2394 20.7619L11.0786 21.9441C12.2794 23.1232 14.2202 23.1232 15.4211 21.9441L14.2603 20.7619ZM12.2394 20.7619C11.6914 20.2239 11.6914 19.358 12.2394 18.82L11.0786 17.6378C9.86927 18.8252 9.86927 20.7567 11.0786 21.9441L12.2394 20.7619ZM12.2394 18.82C12.7957 18.2737 13.7039 18.2737 14.2603 18.82L15.4211 17.6378C14.2202 16.4587 12.2794 16.4587 11.0786 17.6378L12.2394 18.82ZM14.2603 18.82C14.8082 19.358 14.8082 20.2239 14.2603 20.7619L15.4211 21.9441C16.6304 20.7567 16.6304 18.8252 15.4211 17.6378L14.2603 18.82ZM20.6242 15.6956L21.4196 16.4767L22.5804 15.2945L21.785 14.5134L20.6242 15.6956ZM15.4211 18.82L17.8078 16.4767L16.647 15.2944L14.2603 17.6377L15.4211 18.82ZM17.8078 16.4767L18.6032 15.6956L17.4424 14.5134L16.647 15.2945L17.8078 16.4767ZM16.647 16.4767L18.2379 18.0387L19.3987 16.8565L17.8078 15.2945L16.647 16.4767ZM21.785 14.5134C21.4266 14.1616 21.0998 13.8383 20.7993 13.6131C20.4791 13.3732 20.096 13.1716 19.6137 13.1716V14.8284C19.6145 14.8284 19.619 14.8273 19.6395 14.8357C19.6663 14.8466 19.7183 14.8735 19.806 14.9391C19.9969 15.0822 20.2326 15.3112 20.6242 15.6956L21.785 14.5134ZM18.6032 15.6956C18.9948 15.3112 19.2305 15.0822 19.4215 14.9391C19.5091 14.8735 19.5611 14.8466 19.5879 14.8357C19.6084 14.8273 19.6129 14.8284 19.6137 14.8284V13.1716C19.1314 13.1716 18.7483 13.3732 18.4281 13.6131C18.1276 13.8383 17.8008 14.1616 17.4424 14.5134L18.6032 15.6956Z"></path>
    <input placeholder="Password"value="password" type="password" class="input_field" id="password_field">
  <button title="Sign In" type="submit" class="sign-in_btn">
    <span> Sign up </span>

  <a class="text-slate-500 text-lg text-center"href="login.html"> Sign in </p>

print(string.format(html_code, error_message or "", email or "", username or "", password or "", fullname or ""))
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Re: [Updated] Simple register page code using Lua scripting

Post by francisco »

Webdev30 wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 8:09 am Sir, why is there no error message whenever errors occur? Please help 🙏.
Hello! Your code is missing the %s placeholder of the error message, so no error is displayed.

The string.format() method is used to create formatted strings by replacing placeholders with specified values.

https://www.codecademy.com/resources/do ... ngs/format
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Re: [Updated] Simple register page code using Lua scripting

Post by francisco »

In fact your code has so many problems that I don't even know where to start, good luck to you
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