[LUA] Slug string for Vietnamese keyboards
Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 1:19 am
I found the url.slug() function method is really ineffective for strings entered from Vietnamese language keyboards. Here is my code to fix the above problem, you can refer to:
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function slugVN(text)
local diacriticsMap = {
{ base = 'a', regex = '[àáảãạăắằẵặẳâầấậẫẩ]' },
{ base = 'e', regex = '[èéẻẽẹêếềễệể]' },
{ base = 'i', regex = '[ìíỉĩị]' },
{ base = 'o', regex = '[òóỏõọôồốổỗộơờớởỡợ]' },
{ base = 'u', regex = '[ùúủũụưừứửữự]' },
{ base = 'y', regex = '[ỳýỷỹỵ]' },
{ base = 'd', regex = '[đ]' },
{ base = ' ', regex = '[%s]' }
local slug = text:lower()
for _, diacritic in ipairs(diacriticsMap) do
slug = slug:gsub(diacritic.regex, diacritic.base)
slug = slug:gsub('[%W_]+', '-') -- Remove any non-word characters
slug = slug:gsub('[%s%-]+', '-') -- Replace whitespace and underscores with a single hyphen
slug = slug:gsub('^%-+', '') -- Trim leading hyphens
slug = slug:gsub('%-+$', '') -- Trim trailing hyphens
return slug
local input_text = "Khoa Cơ Khí"
local slug_text = slugVN(input_text)
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function slugVN(text) {
const diacriticsMap = [
{ base: 'a', regex: /[àáảãạăắằẵặẳâầấậẫẩ]/g },
{ base: 'e', regex: /[èéẻẽẹêếềễệể]/g },
{ base: 'i', regex: /[ìíỉĩị]/g },
{ base: 'o', regex: /[òóỏõọôồốổỗộơờớởỡợ]/g },
{ base: 'u', regex: /[ùúủũụưừứửữự]/g },
{ base: 'y', regex: /[ỳýỷỹỵ]/g },
{ base: 'd', regex: /[đ]/g },
{ base: ' ', regex: /[\s]/g }
let slug = text.toLowerCase();
for (const diacritic of diacriticsMap) {
slug = slug.replace(diacritic.regex, diacritic.base);
slug = slug.replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, ''); // Remove any non-word characters
slug = slug.replace(/[\s_-]+/g, '-'); // Replace whitespace and underscores with a single hyphen
slug = slug.replace(/^-+|-+$/g, ''); // Trim leading/trailing hyphens
return slug;